Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Inteview/ Khary Durgans

Introducing Khary Durgans; a young guy with a sick flow with branding of a yellow raincoat. Lyrics of his takes the listener on a deep journey to his life, thoughts and cool vibes. Get to know Khary below.

LYFE:Who is Khary Durgans?

KHARY:A dope rapper from Providence, RI that now lives in Brooklyn. I started rapping in high school with my brother but eventually found I my own sound.

LYFE:What genre/ who musically influences you?

KHARY:Hip-Hop is my biggest influence but I really like all types of music. I’m a sucker for anything mellow/ambient that has deep lyrics. Lupe Fiasco, K-os, and Kanye West were the first artist to really reach me as a youth. Often feels like I grew up through music.

LYFE:What's with the yellow raincoat? Form of branding?

KHARY:The raincoat started about 4 years ago when I saw one in an army navy store. No clue why at that moment, but I just thought it was so dope so I had to buy it. My homie that was with me when I bought it thought I was crazy but something weird that I can’t describe came over me. About 2 years ago I started wearing it at shows and it became branding when I moved to New York. I had to find a way that I could be remembered in a city so big. Turned out it was already under my nose. Happened so naturally to me. Yellow is a humble color that at the same time says “LOOK AT ME”.

LYFE:What's more important ; good flow or poppin beat?

KHARY:I have to say neither; it’s the unity that’s important.

LYFE:What's your process to making music?

KHARY:It changes so much, but it usually starts with the beats people send me or I find. I often write to beats I’ll never use to get my mind running. My best writing comes in the morning before any outside elements can affect me, like before I say good morning to the world. I think this is because your mood, feeling, and thoughts can change the second you step out the door… I try to catch my emotions in their purest form.

LYFE:Who produces your beats/songs?

KHARY:I work closely with two guys, Mike Irish and Big Wild. But I also work with U’nique Music and Prof. Logik.

LYFE:Are you into fashion or its the NY style?

KHARY:It’s just me. I’ve been in NY for about 2 years now and it definitely enhances your style but the way I dress is still me. Not really “into fashion” as much as I’m into human expression.

LYFE:You have bars, like seriously but it make you think. Is that your motive?
KHARY:Exactly the motive at the moment but I also want people to feel.

LYFE:Why don't you like to be categorized as "conscious"?

KHARY:Because there is an underlying tone when you categorize someone like that. In comparison to what’s popular music right now you could of course say the majority of my music is “conscious” but that is not what I’m here to make. I make human music that may sometimes carry a message but there are/will be times that it won’t.

LYFE:What inspired "The Giving Tree"?

KHARY:It started with the idea of how my friends will remember me. I think I was reflecting on how I could be a better friend because I’m not always the best. This led to me thinking about my family and then the world. What will be me legacy? What will I have given?

LYFE:Are your beats originally made or samples from other places?

KHARY:Anything Big Wild or Mike Irish Produced is 100% original.

LYFE:Chasing your dreams or earning a "decent living"?

KHARY: I don’t know a dream that doesn’t include a decent living.


LYFE:How do you feel about faking it to you make it vs. showing your struggles to your fans in your music?

Both make sense to me, I think you have to do a bit of both when it comes to any profession. But I gravitate more towards showing my struggles right now because I know so many people going through similar emotions and it helps me get through my own situations. Love & Anchors was a complete embodiment of showing my struggles. The only draw back is performing some of my more personal songs in front of people that have no clue who I am. I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with it yet.

LYFE: Can rap correct the urban culture?

KHARY:No, people can though.

LYFE:Its easy to associate you to School Boy Q , Isaiah Rashad, Kid Cudi; what you think ?

KHARY:They make dope music so think that’s a good thing. All of them have their own personalities and I’d like to think the same about myself.

LYFE:Where can people find your music and get a hold of you?


LYFE:Any upcoming shows?

KHARY:I have one in BK this month and next month. I post them all on my instagram.

LYFE:Advice for aspiring rappers?

KHARY:Stop aspiring; be.

LYFE:What are some fundamentals is necessary for making good music?

KHARY:I think the best music comes when you know your place in life, like where you are at this exact moment and where you want to be. It helps you channel your surroundings into something beautiful.

LYFE:Ever wanted to give up?

KHARY:All the time but I’m too dumb to quit.

 And Finally. ...

LYFE:What does LYFE ; Living Your Fantasy Everyday mean to you?

KHARY:Working toward your future everyday but accepting/enjoying the present.

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