Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Wife & Husband Quit Jobs To Start CURLMIX

Anyone that knows me will testify I am a naturalista when it comes to things of the home , hair etc; meaning I like making everything from scratch. I was looking up a diy on what can I whip together to moisturize my dry hair (still haven't found it yet ) I came across Curlmix . A monthly subscription diy natural hair product mixed with natural ingredients.. I love that. I'm most def not a person who likes products other than my Shea Moisture Conditioner. 

The owners Tim & Kim quit their jobs and invested in their business of the CurlMix. Where it allows those of natural hair to create a mixture for their hair without breaking the buck at a store. I myself have spent 90 just on products before and never again... never again . I believe in this business and believe it will flourish especially this is the age of people gaining information and going the natural route. Check out there site; CurlMix.com

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