Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Praise 102.5 Exodus 2013

Past Sunday, March 24th Corey Condrey Evangelistic Association (Coco Brother) had EXODUS 2013;which was  promoted by Atlanta's Praise 102.5.On that day gospel singers/rappers and evangelists had put on a free show for the public to have a great time in the Lord . Some performers were Tye Tribbett, Deitrick Haddon, Da Truth and Vashawn Mitchell. To my understanding I thought christian rapper; Lecrae was too perfrom .Unfortunately I'm not sure what was the case but, I indeed was looking forward to seeing a performance from him. The night went on and the Holy Spirit was reigning in the Atlanta Civic Center. Tye Tribbett did a little preaching on how "Sacrafices makes noises" and what a revelation that was!!
Many young people gave their lives to Christ. The event was a success and plan on attending next year.

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