Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Poetry/ Roderick Palmer

Happy Wednesday my dear readers, Did you enjoy the interview with Joshua Martin?While we are on that topic..Did you see the video "I Am Constance" well Roderick Palmer wrote the wonderful poem and I was shocked because it was awesome a guy wrote it. Now I'm going to let him tell you about himself a little bit.

"Hello, I'm Roderick Palmer. I'm 19 years old and I'm an aspiring photographer and writer. My love for writing started in the summer of 2009. That same year, I was heavily influenced by one of my favorite English teacher's named Mr. Bray. In 2001, when I was 9 years old, my sister Dorrett passed away from Hopkins lymphoma. As you can imagine, it changed my whole perspective of life. Dorrett, despite being sick, refused to let cancer dictate her life. She never blamed God, nor did she blame anyone of our family members. Through the pain that I watched my sister experience, and through the pain that I experienced myself, I was determined to do something great or worth living for in my life. Writing is something that we all can do, but if you're not passionate about what you're writing about, you might as well not write about it at all."

In case you missed the poem here it is and not only that, here is the video in case you missed it here


 "I Am Constance"

As the sun rubs against my skin, I wonder through the garden
The sun is high, powerful and radiant
My heart yearns to mimic its light
The trees sway so effortlessly,
I am in search of purpose, where might I find it?
Is it located deep in the soil, where my heart blossomed?  
Is it located somewhere on the moon, in the craters of the darkness
No... The beauty of nature makes me question my own existence
What will I accomplish in this life, before my light begins to fade?
And in my moment of curiosity, the wind begins to brew  
My hair once bound breaks free
The clouds begin to roar in dominance,
What is the earth trying to tell me?
 I stand still,
As the rain slides down my skin,
I tilt my head back, I let go of everything:
I have let go of my past, I no longer fear the future
With each drop,
My purpose in life becomes clearer
I am no longer the most delicate flower in the garden 
I have found serenity in myself

                                                                 Read more of Roderick's Poems on his site


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